Eyelash Extension Fill – Why Do I Need One?

Eyelash Extensions are a popular way of enhancing your natural lashes.

The first thing you need to know about eyelash extensions is that they need to be maintained.  Lash Fills are recommended every 3 weeks.  If you wait longer than 3 weeks  it will take longer to fill your lashes as there will be more natural lashes and many will be outgrown.

Growth Cycle

Your natural lashes have a natural growth cycle, just like hair. An individual Natural Lash sheds anywhere from 60-90 days and new natural lashes will grow in, to replace that shedded lash.

Each time a lash sheds, the extension falls with the natural lash it is attached to.

Regular Lash Fills will ensure that your lashes always look their best.

What is an Eyelash Extension Fill?

An Eyelash Extension fill is where I place new eyelash extensions on your new natural lashes and I remove any outgrown eyelash extensions replacing them with new eyelash extensions. 

At your fill I am rebalancing the lashes, checking your lash health and making your lashes look full again or even fuller.  This is an awesome time to discuss going longer or shorter as well.

I love Fills because we can play with your look and it is a time for me to express my creativity and artistry. PLUS you get to have a lash nap!!

Lash extensions are applied to only one natural lash. The Lash Extension should never touch your skin and there should always be a safe distance between your lash extension and your eyelid.

  • You do not want a technician who places lash adhesive on your skin as this will cause irritations.
  • A Certified Lash Artist will use only a tiny amount of adhesive and you should not be able to see the adhesive.
  • For New Sets and Eyelash Extension Fills always Choose a Certified Lash Technician
You will an need Eyelash Extension Fill because your natural eyelashes continue to grow and shed.

A lot of people don’t know that even with  Eyelash Extensions your natural eyelashes continue to grow, move and shed. When your natural lash sheds the extension that I have applied to that lash will fall out with your natural lash. When you have eyelash extensions you will find a natural lash attached to the fallen or shed eyelash. That’s good! It means your eyelash extensions are staying on your natural lash until the lash sheds.

How Long Do Eyelash Extensions Last?

eyelash extension fill after week one
This image of Eyelash Extensions after 1 week will help you visualize what happens with your natural lash and your Eyelash Extension.

After 1 week, you might notice that your lashes seem to be getting longer. 

Your natural lash continues to grow and the Eyelash Extension grows out with the natural lash.

We all want our Beautiful Eyelash Extensions to last as long as possible.

Factors that can influence how often you need an Eyelash Extension Fill:

After Week 2.  You probably do not need an Eyelash Extension Fill yet.

With proper at home care and proper application your natural lashes are happy and continue to grow.

After two weeks your Eyelash Extensions and natural lashes are grown out a little more than Week 1.

Eyelash Extension Fill – I had another salon / artist do my lashes.  Can you fill them?

I don’t fill other technicians work for many reasons.
  • If you are having bad retention with your current Lash Tech or Your Eyelash Extensions are Falling Out.  There is nothing I can do to fix their work.  We have to remove them and start with a new set.
  • You wanted to try Eyelash Extensions and you started with A Cheap Set of Eyelash Extensions There is no way to put this politely.  Not all lash technicians understand proper and safe application.  I specialize in Proper and Safe Application, unfortunately I cannot fill a bad set of eyelash extensions. We have to remove them and start with a new set.
eyelash extension fill after week 4

This is a good picture to understand what your extensions will start to look like after 4 weeks of growth. With that said, some clients lashes will grow faster or slower than others, it all depends on your own natural lash cycle.

An Eyelash Extension Fill is recommended at 3 weeks.


You don’t want to go so long between Eyelash Extensions Fills that your Extensions and Natural Lashes are outgrown.  If you do wait 4 weeks or more between an Eyelash Extension Fill your  lash extensions can start to bend or twist.

Outgrown Lashes can get messy and tangle up.  Outgrown lashes are not attractive and can sometimes cause damage to your natural lashes because of the pulling weight.

Eyelash extensions damaging to natural lashes?

If Eyelash Extensions are applied properly, by a Certified Lash Technician, they will not damage your natural lashes.

If Eyelash Extensions are not applied properly they quite simply, will not last and you will experience damage to your natural lash. 

Please! Research your lash professional, we are not all the same!

It is extremely important that you follow the recommended at home care. Improper at home care is a big contributor to natural lash damage.

Proper At Home Care is easy


Examples of Improper Home Aftercare:

  • Not washing your eyelash extensions properly and everyday, can causing a build-up of products and dirt, blocking hair follicles as well as other lash problems. If you do not wash your lashes daily they will shed prematurely and your natural lashes will not be as healthy as they could be.
  • Playing, petting or picking eyelash extensions.
  • Sleeping on your Eyelash Extensions.
  • Wearing waterproof  products including:  glittery eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner can all contribute lash damage.
    • All of these products are hard to remove from the extension base.
    • Mascara and eyeliners can stick on to your natural lashes and eyelash extensions and are extremely hard to remove.
    • Most clients who use these products have to aggressively try to clean their lashes which absolutely causes damage.

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