You’ve got brand new eyelash extensions and you will love them from day 1.  Caring for your Eyelash Extensions will help to keep your lashes looking their best.

Here are a few tips on Caring for your Eyelash Extensions.

If you are a client of mine you will have heard me say, that there are only 2 things that will make your Eyelash Extensions fall off before their time.  Those 2 things are Oil and Friction.

Wash your Eyelash Extensions Every Night

Clean lash extensions last longer.  If you have been told in the past to avoid water, by another technician, this is bad advice.  Your lash extensions will fall off prematurely when you avoid washing them.

Understand when and how to wash your eyelash extensions:  READ MORE

Don’t rub your eyes

This is truly  has  to be the toughest tip of  all my tips.  We don’t realize how much we rub our eyes until we are told we can’t.

Rubbing your eyes is a big no no, as it will cause them to fall prematurely. Rubbing  can break the bond between your natural lashes and your eyelash extensions.


Don’t sleep on your Face

Sleeping on your face pushed into your pillow can cause your extensions to fall out more quickly.

 Try to sleep on your back.

TIP:  Whether you sleep on your face, back or side.  Invest in a silk pillow case.  You can pick them up really cheap on Amazon.  Remember me saying an enemy was friction?

Only use makeup and  face products that are oil free

Now this is not to say that you have to give up all the products you love.  Just keep products with oil away from your lashes.


Brush your eyelashes

For each appointment you have, you will leave with the lash brush I used on your lashes.  You can brush through your lashes whenever you like.  For sure you will want to brush them first thing when you wake up and probably before you go to bed.

Brushing your lashes, keeps them looking nice and neat.  Don’t be afraid to brush them, they aren’t going to fall off. 

Don’t use waterproof mascara

Actually you shouldn’t be using mascara at all.  But for sure no waterproof mascara or  any waterproof makeup.  I always say, if it is hard to get off, don’t se it.

Waterproof mascara is hard on both eyelash extensions and natural lashes.  The scrubbing required to remove waterproof make-up will damage your eyelash extensions and traumitize natural lashes.

Once you have your lashes done, you will find that you don’t need mascara.  Just make sure that your eyeline and eyeshadows aren’t waterproof.

Caring for Your Eyelash Extensions

Most important tip!

Don’t forget  to maintain your fabulous lashes, you need to get your lash extensions filled on a regular basis. 

Be sure to book regular appointments with my online calendaring system or by feel free to text me at 306.535.7787.

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