My Top Eyelash Extension Tips.  We are only a week away from Christmas and as I drink my coffee and enjoy the morning, I thought I would put together my Top Eyelash Extension Tips.

Lash extensions help to boost your confidence, and they also make your morning routine a breeze. Whether you have worn eyelash extensions for years or you are a lash newbie, it never hurts to learn more! Here are my top 10 Eyelash Extension Tips.

Tip 1. One Size Fits All

There’s no such a thing as one look fits all.  You are unique, your eye shape is unique.  You want lashes that compliment your eye and have been designed for you.

We have all seen “those” pictures or know of someone who has Lash Extensions and it looks like 1 length was applied to the entire eye.  I personally hate that look!

Lash Extensions come in different weights and lengths.  Depending on your Lash Artist’s certification and experience, the look can be very different. In your search for a Lash Artist you will find beginners as well as advanced Artists and the look you get will depend on her capabilities.

Everyone has to start somewhere.  Please understand that I am not knocking New Lash Technicians.  We have so much amazing talent in our City.  With that said you will get a different look from a Brand New Lash Technician versus an Advanced Lash Artist.

  • Advanced Artists will give you a full set of safe eyelash extensions. Your lashes will look darker, fuller and more uniform with a beautiful pattern designed to compliment your eye.
  • As an Advanced Certified Lash Artist, my sets are much different than those you see on Social Media.
  • My designs are very complicated.  At your appointment I am working hundreds of tiny lash extensions to create the look I want for you.

Tip 2. Clean lashes 

I don’t have any clients that come with dirty lashes, but I know a lot of ladies read my blog, so I did want to touch on this.

If you are going to another Technician, remember that dirty lashes means that your technician is spending more time cleaning your lashes before she can start your fill. Your lashes will look more incredible if your Technician or Artist can spend more time lashing rather than cleaning.

Eyelash Extension Tips - Water Activities

Tip 3. Eyelash extensions are safe for most water activities.

Do NOT avoid the water!  Many clients avoid water like the plague because they are afraid of getting their lashes wet.  Get them wet, enjoy swimming and other water activities!

Can I get my lashes wet?

Tip 4. Looking for drama?

Longer extensions aren’t necessarily the solution.

Shorter lashes give a fuller and more dramatic look than longer lashes because it is a bolder look. Longer extensions have a wispier feel and will  not necessarily mean that your look  will be  more dramatic.

Tip 5. Speak Up

All of my clients crash hard at their appointment.  My favorite sound is a snoring client!!

You are not a bug or an inconvenience if you speak up at your Lash appointment.  Your Lash Artist or Technician wants you to have the best experience possible.  If you are feeling any burning or itching during your appointment, it is so important that you let your technician know. 

You should be completely comfortable during your appointment.  Anything other than comfortable is not normal.

Tip 6. Lash Extension Maintenance

As your Lash Artist I will give you a perfect set of Eyelash Extensions.  With that said, it is your responsibility take care of them.

My clients have amazing retention, meaning their Extensions don’t just fall off.  You will enjoy  long lasting eyelash extensions if you do practice at home maintenance.

The lifespan of lash extensions depends on  cleanliness, makeup and beauty routines,  growth and shed cycles, as well as seasons.

Ultimately the retention of lash extensions depends on how much care you put into keeping them healthy and looking great.  That doesn’t mean you will be spending a ton of time maintaining them, but it does mean a quick lash bath every night.

Tip 7. Nap time!

During a lash extension appointment, the majority of my clients do fall asleep.  I love visiting with my clients but I am working with hundreds of tiny lashes, complicated patterns and I do alot of layering to create that fluffy look you see in all of my pictures and I have discovered that I do go quite when I am creating and designing perfect lashes.

My clients all know this and they use this time to  to relax or sneak in a nap and enjoy the pampering.

Eyelash Extension Tips - Lash Naps

Tip 8. Coffee or tea before an appointment?

Your eyes can flutter all they want and I can absolutely work around it.  My clients who think their eyes are fluttering, actually aren’t.   Don’t worry about fluttery eyes, after a few minutes everything settles down once you are in the zone.

Caffeine can definitely cause your eyes to flutter, but I am more concerned that caffeine will make it difficult for you to relax and tune out the busy world.

Best adivce, avoid caffeine at least an hour before your appointment.

Eyelash Extension Tips - Coffee before Appointment

Tip 9. Longer lashes on the outer corners.

Longer lashes on the outer corners don’t work for everyone.

A cat-eye is supposed to make your eyes look larger, but that doesn’t work for everyone’s eye.  Natural lashes grow shorter on the outer corners and in most case those lashes cannot support the heavier weight of longer extension. Longer lashes on the outer corner can end up looking droopy, and it isn’t flattering look on everyone.

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